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Education In Rural Areas In India: opportunity, challenges, our initiatives

Green Sky Foundation Educating Girls

Education in rural India faces significant challenges that affect students’ learning experiences and outcomes. Many rural schools lack essential infrastructure, such as proper classrooms, textbooks, and learning materials. 


Additionally, there is often a shortage of trained teachers, which impacts the quality of education. Socio-economic factors, such as poverty and cultural norms, can also contribute to lower school attendance and higher dropout rates. 


Despite these difficulties, there are ongoing efforts to improve education in rural areas in India. Initiatives include building and renovating school facilities, providing professional development for teachers, and creating programs to encourage school attendance and community involvement. 

These efforts aim to provide rural students with better educational opportunities and support their academic and personal growth.

Challenges Of Education In Rural Areas In India.

Lack Of Infrastructure

As you may have seen in villages (rural areas), most of the schools don’t have proper infrastructure, which makes it very hard for students to study. When we talk about infrastructure, it means that they lack teachers, benches, staff, management, and basic facilities. Because of this, it is quite hard for students to learn in school. As a result, many families either send their kids to different cities, which increases their financial stress, or they simply don’t allow them to study, which deprives the children of education.

Lack of technology

In today’s world, having access to computers and technology is a must, yet some schools are unable to provide this. School is where we spend most of our time learning new skills, so it’s important that schools teach us how to use computers and technology effectively. Without these skills, students may struggle to keep up in a rapidly advancing digital world. By integrating technology education into the curriculum, schools can better prepare students for future opportunities and challenges.

Gender Barriers

In many villages, girls are often not treated as equal to boys, which creates barriers for them. These barriers mean that girls are not given the same chances to learn new skills or take part in activities that boys do. This inequality is based on traditional beliefs and customs that favour boys. As a result, many girls miss out on important opportunities that could help them grow and contribute to their communities.


Lack of career opportunity

In many villages, where access to quality education is limited, it’s difficult to expect that companies will offer job opportunities. Education is a fundamental factor in preparing individuals for employment, and without it, career prospects can be very limited. Proper education equips people with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet job market demands. Therefore, investing in education is essential, as it not only enhances personal development but also opens doors to better career opportunities and contributes to overall community growth.


Digital Education

With smartphones, laptops, and low-cost internet, more people are now able to get an education and learn new skills. This is a great opportunity because it allows people to learn many things even if their local schools lack resources. While it doesn’t completely solve the problem of needing better school facilities, it helps by providing access to many online teachers and learning materials. This technology is making education more accessible and helping to fill some of the gaps in traditional schooling.


NGO Programs

Many NGOs offer free education to children in rural areas who might not be able to attend school otherwise. This is a valuable opportunity for these communities, as it provides access to learning and helps children gain essential skills and knowledge that they might not otherwise receive. By filling the gaps left by limited local resources, these organisations play a crucial role in improving education in rural areas in India and supporting the development of children in these communities.

As mentioned before, many NGOs offer free education, and one of them is Green Sky Foundation. We provide free education to over 100 children from families who cannot afford to sponsor their education. We have launched the Akash School of Excellence, where we offer proper infrastructure, teachers, computers, and free food. We understand that these families may not be able to provide these resources, but we can do it for them.

Our initiatives

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